Crowdfunding license in Lithuania

Execute your plan to obtain a Crowdfunding License in Lithuania with our assistance, ensuring an efficient and unhindered access for your investment business to the progressive European financial services market.

Get Started with Your Lithuanian Crowdfunding License

Your success is our primary goal. The team at Eesti Firma consists of qualified experts in corporate law, possessing specialized knowledge in the field of collective investments. We aim to ensure that every project is executed with exceptional precision and attention to detail.

Invest in the Future with European Crowdfunding License

Realize your potential and become a leader in the European collective investment industry. Begin your journey to obtaining a Crowdfunding License in the European Union today – contact Eesti Firma for the first step towards international success.

Take the first step towards growing your Crowdfunding Platform in the EU Send enquiry


Unlock Opportunities with a Crowdfunding License in Lithuania

In recent years, Crowdfunding has gained popularity as an innovative financing method for projects and startups across the European Union. The introduction of the European Crowdfunding License has enhanced this growth by standardizing regulations and ensuring security, allowing platforms to operate seamlessly across EU member states. This unified framework benefits both project creators and investors, fostering a more efficient Collective Funding Environment in Europe

Understanding Crowdfunding

Crowdsourced Funding is the process of raising financial funds to support projects from a wide audience, predominantly through online platforms. This method allows individuals, startups, and small to medium-sized enterprises to attract capital not from traditional investors but from the public. Participants in crowdfunding, contributing funds, can receive various rewards in return, from souvenirs to shares in the project, depending on the terms of financing.

The Impact of Crowdfunding on European Financial Markets

Collective fundraising in the EU is not just a new financial instrument but also reflects broader social and economic changes associated with digitalization and democratization of financial markets. This movement opens doors for a wide range of entrepreneurs and innovative startups, providing them with the opportunity to realize their ideas and projects with public support.

EU Crowdfunding Regulations

Regulation 2020/1503: Shaping the Future of Crowdfunding in the EU

In response to the growing number of successful crowdfunding campaigns and increasing interest in this area, the European Union is actively working on creating a favorable and regulated environment for collective investing. A major step in this direction is the introduction of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, which includes requirements for the licensing of Peer-to-peer funding platforms.

Ensuring Trust: Licensing of Crowdfunding Platforms in the EU

Crowdfunding Service Provider is a company or platform that provides the necessary infrastructure for conducting Collective Financing Campaigns. These organizations offer a wide range of services, including the development and support of web platforms for fundraising, payment processing, marketing support, and project management consultations.

Licensing is an important element in ensuring transparency, security, and reliability in the field of fundraising. This requirement ensures that collective investing platforms meet strict standards in risk management, user data protection, and providing fair conditions for all participants. Thus, licensing contributes to increasing trust in crowdfunding platforms among investors and entrepreneurs, which in turn promotes further development and growth of this sector in the European Union.

Crowdfunding License in Lithuania: Your Key to Success in Europe

On this page, we will take a detailed look at the process of obtaining a crowdfunding license in Lithuania, which in recent years has established itself as one of the most favorable and attractive countries for fintech companies and innovative startups in Europe. Unique conditions for the development of collective funding have been created here, including progressive legislation and support for fintech initiatives. In our review, we will thoroughly examine the key aspects and advantages of obtaining a crowdfunding license in Lithuania, discussing how it can contribute to the growth and success of your business within the European Union.

Crowdfunding in Lithuania

Understanding Lithuanian Collective Funding Legislation and Compliance

Embarking on the journey to apply for a Crowdfunding License in Lithuania can be a pivotal step for your business. This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the meticulous process set by the Bank of Lithuania. From the careful evaluation of application documents to understanding the defined timelines for licensing, we cover every aspect of this crucial procedure.

Navigating the Path to a Crowdfunding License in Lithuania

You will learn about the importance of submitting a complete and well-prepared application, the detailed evaluation process by specialists, and the proactive communication approach adopted by the Bank of Lithuania to facilitate a smooth licensing process. We also delve into the financial aspects, highlighting the license fee payment to the State Tax Inspectorate and providing guidance on expanding your services across the European Union.

Lithuania’s Crowdfunding Platforms: Regulation 2020/1503 Comes into Effect

Starting from November 10, 2023, only licensed Crowdfunding Platforms (CSPs) as per Article 12 of the Regulation 2020/1503 will be operational in Lithuania. These platforms serve as intermediaries between project owners and investors, focusing strictly on business financing. This means that consumer loans, charitable fundraising, and non-financial return funding are not within their scope. The regulation specifically targets startups, medium, and small business entities, capping the maximum funding for a single project at 5 million Euros over a 12-month period.

Applying for a Crowdfunding License

Comprehensive Offer on Licensing Process in Lithuania

Securing a crowdfunding license in Lithuania is a crucial step for businesses looking to establish a compliant Crowdsourced Funding Platform. The process involves navigating complex regulatory requirements to ensure your business model aligns with legal standards.

Why Choose Our Services?

Navigating the crowdfunding licensing process requires in-depth knowledge of local and European regulations and strategic business planning. Our team of seasoned professionals, with extensive experience in the Lithuanian legal landscape and business consulting, provides a structured approach that simplifies the licensing process, mitigates risks, and positions your business for long-term success.

Detailed Overview of Our Three-Stage Service

Our three-stage approach ensures a smooth licensing process in Lithuania. We begin with a thorough evaluation of your business model and compliance needs, assist with company registration and documentation preparation, and manage the application submission, providing continuous support until the license is obtained. This method minimizes risks, ensures regulatory compliance, and offers expert guidance, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Stage 1

Strategy Development and Licensing Assessment – 1,900 EUR

In this initial stage, we offer comprehensive business consulting services through our expert team and seasoned Lithuanian lawyers. Our goal is to evaluate your business opportunities with a Peer-to-peer funding license, providing an initial assessment of requirements and their implementation. This phase sets a solid foundation for your business strategy.

Our consultation topics include:

Comprehensive Business Model Analysis: Ensuring the suitability of the crowdfunding license for your specific needs and market conditions.

Risk Assessment: Identifying potential pitfalls and challenges that could jeopardize your application and advising on mitigation strategies.

Compliance Evaluation: Assessing adherence to Lithuanian and European regulations to ensure full compliance and avoid legal issues.

Document Review: Evaluating all necessary documents, including policies and licensing requirements, to ensure completeness and accuracy.

Custom Strategy Development: Creating a tailored, step-by-step plan and strategy for obtaining the license, aligning with your business goals.

Additional Guidance: Providing all necessary information to start your project effectively, including industry best practices and market insights.

Stage 2

Pre-Licensing with Company Registration – 7,800 EUR

At this stage, we assist in establishing your company in Lithuania and preparing for the licensing process. Our comprehensive support ensures that you are well-prepared for the next steps.

Our services include:

Company Registration: Facilitating the registration process in Lithuania, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Corporate Account Assistance: Helping to open a corporate bank account, essential for financial operations.

Initial Capital Registration: Registering initial capital or obtaining an insurance policy to meet regulatory requirements.

Supplementary Document Preparation: Including:

a) Program of operations detailing your business activities and plans.

b) Governance arrangements and internal control mechanisms to ensure effective management and oversight.

c) Resource descriptions to ensure customer data control and safety, including IT infrastructure and security measures.

d) Operational risk descriptions to identify and manage potential risks.

e) Document confirming prudential safeguards requirements to ensure financial stability.

f) Business continuity plan outlining procedures for maintaining operations during disruptions.

g) Evaluation of shareholder reputation requirements for those holding over 20% share capital, ensuring integrity and reliability.

h) Internal rules on conflicts of interest to maintain ethical standards.

i) Description of outsourcing arrangements, if applicable, to manage third-party relationships.

j) Solutions for specialist hiring and office renting, ensuring your business is well-staffed and adequately housed.

Stage 3

Licensing and Post-Licensing – 4,900 EUR

In the final stage, we submit your application to the Bank of Lithuania and manage all communications and document preparations required by the Bank. Our comprehensive support continues until your license is successfully obtained.

Our services include:

Application Submission: Leading the submission process to the Bank of Lithuania, ensuring all requirements are met.

Ongoing Communication: Managing all necessary follow-ups and communications with the Bank, addressing any queries or additional information requests.

Progress Updates: Providing regular updates on the progress and expected timeline, keeping you informed at every stage.

Legal Assistance: Offering continuous legal support until the successful acquisition of your license, ensuring compliance and addressing any legal challenges.

Post-Licensing Support: Advising on compliance and operational matters after obtaining the license, helping you maintain regulatory standards and optimize business operations.

By engaging our services, you benefit from a structured, step-by-step approach, ensuring a smooth and efficient process towards obtaining your crowdfunding license in Lithuania. Our expertise and dedicated support provide a solid foundation for your business success.

Evaluation of Application Documents

The Bank of Lithuania employs a meticulous approach to evaluate documents submitted for a Crowdfunding Service Provider license. Specialists from relevant departments collectively analyze the application to form conclusive opinions on licensing eligibility. In cases of application deficiencies, they engage directly with the applicant for necessary corrections.

The assessment duration varies, hinging on the application’s comprehensiveness and quality. Throughout this period, the Bank of Lithuania maintains proactive communication and organizes meetings with applicants, fostering a cooperative relationship.

Defined Timelines for Licensing

Initial Evaluation: Within 25 working days from receiving the application, the Bank of Lithuania confirms its completeness. Incomplete applications may lead to a set deadline for additional information submission, failing which the application may be rejected.

Final Decision: A thorough assessment within 3 months from receipt of a complete application determines the applicant’s adherence to Crowdfunding Regulation requirements. The license can be denied if the applicant fails to meet these standards or poses management risks that could affect operational continuity and client interests.

Our expertise and dedicated support provide a robust foundation for your business success, ensuring you can confidently navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and meet evolving market demands.

With our comprehensive knowledge of the Lithuanian and European Collective financing landscape, we guide you through every step of the licensing process, helping you mitigate risks, optimize operations, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Why Choose Us?

Eesti Firma – Your Reliable Partner in Collective Investments

By choosing us, you are not just opting for a service, but a partner who deeply immerses in your business goals and strives for their realization. We offer not only expert knowledge in the field of collective investing and finance but also a personalized approach that sets us apart from others. Below are the key reasons why working with us will be a beneficial and productive experience for you.

Experience and Expertise

Our team possesses deep knowledge and years of experience in the field of Peer-to-peer funding and financial services. We understand the nuances of regulation and can effectively guide you through the complex licensing processes.

Personalized Approach

Each client is unique to us. We carefully study your situation and goals to offer solutions that best meet your needs.

Complete Transparency and Openness

We value the trust of our clients and always act openly and honestly. You will always be informed of all aspects of your project.

Connections and Resources

Having a broad network of professional contacts and access to cutting-edge resources allows us to provide high-quality services.

Reliable Results

Our goal is your success. We are committed to achieving your business goals and guarantee that we will work tirelessly to deliver the best results.

Your success and satisfaction with our services are our top priorities. We are confident that our expertise, personalized approach, and continuous support will help you reach new heights in the world of fundraising. Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the unique possibilities we offer, and join our satisfied clients. Contact us today to start your journey to success!

Contact Us

Your Path to Success in Crowdfunding Starts Here!

Don’t miss the opportunity to bring your crowdfunding project to success in the European Union – get your Crowdfunding License in Lithuania! Our team is ready to answer all your questions and discuss the nuances of your business model. Contact us now to bring your ideas to life together.

A Service Provider You Can Trust

Choosing us means selecting a reliable partner with proven experience and professionalism. We commit to providing you with the highest quality of service, ensuring that every aspect of your Lithuanian crowdfunding startup is implemented considering all your requirements and expectations.

FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers to your crowdfunding queries? You’ve come to the right place! In this FAQ section, we’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions to help guide you through the world of fundraising. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for advanced tips, these answers are designed to clarify your doubts and assist you in your fundraising journey.

  • What is crowdfunding?

    Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective efforts of friends, family, customers, and individual investors. This approach taps into the collective efforts of a large pool of individuals—primarily online via social media and fundraising platforms—and leverages their networks for greater reach and exposure.

  • How do I start a crowdfunding campaign?

    To start a collective investing campaign, first define your project or idea clearly. Next, choose the right fundraising platform that aligns with your project’s goals. Prepare a detailed plan including your funding goal, a compelling story, and marketing strategies. Finally, launch your campaign and actively manage it by engaging with your backers.

  • What are the benefits of crowdfunding?

    Crowdfunding offers numerous benefits, including access to a wide pool of potential funders, validation and feedback for your idea, marketing and public relations exposure, and the opportunity to refine your concept and business model. It also fosters a strong community around your project, enhancing customer loyalty and engagement.

  • Are there different types of crowdfunding?

    Yes, there are primarily four types of collective funding: donation-based, reward-based, debt-based, and equity-based. Donation-based crowdfunding is where people donate to a cause, project, or organization. Reward-based crowdfunding involves people contributing to your project in exchange for a reward or product. Debt-based, also known as peer-to-peer lending, involves individuals lending money in return for interest payments. Equity-based crowdfunding allows people to invest in a company in exchange for equity shares.

  • What should I consider before starting a crowdfunding campaign?

    Before starting a fundraising campaign, consider the following: Is your idea or project clearly defined and compelling? Have you chosen the right collective investing platform? Do you have a solid marketing strategy to attract backers? Are you prepared to manage and fulfill backer rewards? Understanding these elements is crucial for a successful collective funding campaign.

  • How can I promote my collective funding campaign?

    To promote your fundraising campaign, leverage social media, email marketing, and personal networks. Create engaging content, such as videos and updates, to share your story and progress. Consider collaborating with influencers or industry professionals to broaden your reach. Consistent communication and building a community around your project are key to successful promotion.

  • What happens if my fundraising campaign doesn’t reach its funding goal?

    If your campaign doesn’t reach its funding goal, the outcome depends on the type of collective funding model you’ve chosen. With ‘all-or-nothing’ models, funds are returned to the backers. In ‘keep-it-all’ models, you may keep the funds raised, but you should communicate clearly with your backers about how you plan to proceed.

  • What is the process for obtaining a crowdfunding license in the EU and Lithuania?

    To obtain a crowdfunding license in the EU and Lithuania, you must submit an application to the relevant authority, such as the Bank of Lithuania. The application must meet the requirements set out in the EU’s Crowdfunding Regulation, including detailed information about your business model, management procedures, and internal controls. The authority will review your application and assess your compliance with regulations.

  • What are the main requirements for a crowdfunding service provider in Lithuania?

    The main requirements for a CSP in Lithuania include having a clear business plan, robust risk management and internal control mechanisms, effective data management systems, prudential safeguards, and a comprehensive investor information program. The provider must also demonstrate the credibility of its management and a commitment to investor protection.

  • How long does it take to obtain a crowdfunding license in Lithuania?

    The duration to obtain a crowdfunding license in Lithuania typically depends on the completeness and quality of the application. The Bank of Lithuania evaluates whether the application is complete within 25 working days and makes a decision within 3 months from the receipt of a comprehensive application.

  • Is there a fee for the crowdfunding service provider license in Lithuania?

    Yes, there is a state levy fee for obtaining a CSP license in Lithuania. The fee is 710 Euros, and it must be paid before submitting the application.

  • Can a licensed crowdfunding service provider in Lithuania operate in other EU countries?

    Yes, a licensed CSP in Lithuania can offer services in other EU member states. However, they must inform the Bank of Lithuania about the member states where they intend to provide services and comply with the regulatory requirements of those countries.

  • What happens if a crowdfunding service provider violates regulations in Lithuania?

    If a CSP violates regulations in Lithuania, they may face penalties, including fines, suspension of the license, or other regulatory actions by the Bank of Lithuania. Serious violations could lead to the revocation of the license.

  • What types of projects are suitable for crowdfunding in Lithuania?

    In Lithuania, collective investingis suitable for a variety of projects, especially those that resonate with a broad audience and have clear, achievable goals. This includes startups, small and medium enterprises, innovative projects, and community-driven initiatives.

  • How does the Bank of Lithuania ensure the protection of investors ?

    The Bank of Lithuania ensures investor protection in collective investing through strict regulatory measures. These include assessing the credibility of CSP, monitoring their compliance with financial safeguards, and ensuring transparent and fair dealings with investors.

We hope this FAQ section has provided you with valuable insights and answers to your questions about crowdfunding in Lithuania and the EU. If you have any more queries or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you every step of the way in your collective funding journey.

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