How to register a company in Estonia?

Ways to Register a Company in Estonia: In-Person, via Power of Attorney, or Online

Have you considered starting a company in Estonia? The process of incorporating a business in Estonia is extremely straightforward and understandable, allowing you to register an Estonian company in just a few days.

This Baltic Gem stands out as a prime destination for entrepreneurs due to its technologically advanced and efficient approach to business. The country’s e-governance system simplifies various corporate processes, making it possible to create and manage an enterprise with ease, even remotely.

e-Residency program is particularly appealing, offering non-residents the ability to operate an EU-based enterprise virtually. This innovative environment, combined with a transparent legal framework and easy access to the European market, makes this country an attractive option for those looking to start a new venture or expand their business.


Navigating the EU Market: Estonia’s Gateway for Non-Resident Entrepreneurs

If you’re a foreigner looking to start your own undertaking in Estonia, you’ll find the process accommodating and geared towards a global audience. Thanks to advanced digital infrastructure, you have the unique opportunity to set up and manage your business remotely. This is a significant advantage for entrepreneurs who do not reside in the European Union but wish to access the EU market.

Estonia’s e-Residency: Revolutionizing Business Setup

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of Estonia’s business environment is its e-Residency program. This program is specifically designed to help foreign entrepreneurs easily navigate the process of establishing and running a business in Estonia from anywhere in the world. As an e-Resident, you’ll gain access to a range of digital services, making tasks like legal entity incorporation, banking, and tax filing more efficient and less time-consuming.

A Hub for Startup Success and Business Expansion

Additionally, Estonia’s commitment to a transparent and efficient business environment extends beyond digital services. The country offers a supportive ecosystem for startups and established projects, marked by a straightforward legal framework and a business-friendly tax system. This environment is conducive not just to business setup but also to sustainable growth and expansion. In summary, this country provides a unique blend of digital innovation and business-friendly practices, making it an attractive destination for foreign entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in the European market.


How can i register a company in Estonia?

If you are a foreigner and want to set up your own undertaking in the EU, you’ll discover an environment that is highly conducive to business development, characterized by its advanced digital infrastructure and supportive legal framework. This approach makes Estonia an attractive destination for entrepreneurs from around the world, simplifying the process of establishing and managing a undertaking from afar.

Discover How to Effortlessly Launch Your EU-Based Undertaking in Estonia

Estonia’s favorable business climate, the country’s streamlined company registration process stands out as particularly user-friendly for foreigners. This system, often completed entirely online, minimizes bureaucratic hurdles and accelerates the journey from concept to operational business, making this country an even more appealing choice for international entrepreneurs.

Company Set Up by Visit

Registering a company in Estonia in person

Establishing an undertaking by visit is a classic method of registering a legal entity and requires your personal presence when signing the entity’s founding documents at a notary’s office in Tallinn. Our lawyers will personally accompany you and assist at every stage of the process.

Cost from 550 , term up to 5 days

Company Formation by Power Of Attorney

Remote company formation in Estonia

If you want to register an enterprise remotely without your person al presence, but you don’t have the opportunity to visit Tallinn personally – you can issue an official power of attorney in the name of our specialists, on the basis of which we will carry out all procedures for creating an entity for you on your behalf.

Cost from 900 , term up to 10 days

Online Company Registration by e-Residency

Setting up a company in Estonia online using e-Residency

Starting an enterprise online is the fastest and most convenient way to create your own undertaking. All shareholders and directors will need an e-Residency card to register an undertaking on the Enterprise Registry portal and sign founding documents with an electronic signature.

Cost from 375 , term 1 day

Moreover, Estonia’s geographic positioning in Northern Europe, nestled at the crossroads of trade and innovation, significantly benefits enterprises with global aspirations. Its integration into the European Union’s market opens doors to a vast and diverse economic area, offering unparalleled access to a wide range of markets, from Western Europe to the growing economies of the East. This strategic location is ideal for enterprises aiming to tap into the expansive European market, providing a springboard for international growth and collaboration.

Dual Advantage: Physical and Digital Connectivity in Europe

The accessibility to major European trade routes, both physical and digital, further enhances Estonia’s appeal to businesses looking to expand globally. With its robust infrastructure, both in terms of transportation and digital connectivity, our country stands as a critical hub for international trade and commerce. This, coupled with its favorable position within the EU’s framework, offers enterprises a unique advantage in terms of market access, regulatory harmony, and potential for cross-border partnerships and customer reach.


Eesti Firma – Expert Guidance and Tailored Legal Support

Our experts are happy to advise you and offer the most convenient and effective method of registering your entity, as well as prepare all necessary legal documents, acts, and agreements and provide you with professional support at all stages of the incorporation process.

Your Guide to Understanding Estonia’s Business Advantages

At our firm, we specialize in facilitating the process of company formation in Estonia. Our approach is tailored to understand and address the specific needs of each client looking to establish their enterprise in this innovative and digitally advanced country. We believe in forging a partnership with our clients, ensuring that the journey of setting up their business in Europe is not just successful but also aligned with their strategic objectives.

Your Ambition, Our Expertise

Our team’s expertise in European corporate law and our deep insight into the country’s digital infrastructure enable us to offer services that are both efficient and cutting-edge. We are constantly adapting to the latest developments in European business practices, ensuring that our clients always have the upper hand in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Forward-Thinking Solutions for Your European Business Journey

Choosing our services means selecting a partner who is dedicated to your business success in the EU. We bring not only comprehensive solutions for entity registration but also a forward-thinking approach to navigating the European business landscape. Every step we take is geared towards realizing your aspirations in Estonia’s vibrant economy.


Get an initial business consultation today!

If you are considering establishing your presence in the European market by registering your business and establishing a company in Estonia, our team of specialists is here to guide you. Together, we will explore and identify the most effective strategy to successfully introduce your undertaking to the dynamic single market of the European Union.

Ready to Explore Estonia? We’re Here to Help

To learn more about the process and benefits of business registration in the European Union, as well as the range of services we offer, please contact us. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any queries or further assistance – we are here to make your business goals a reality.

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